flashcache 源码解析

| 分类 Storage  | 标签 flashcache 



        sprintf(dmsetup_cmd, "echo 0 %lu flashcache %s %s %s %d 2 %lu %lu %d %lu %d %lu"
                " | dmsetup create %s",
                disk_devsize, disk_devname, ssd_devname, cachedev, cache_mode, block_size, 
                cache_size, associativity, disk_associativity, write_cache_only, md_block_size,


dmc的成员 dmsetup create中的参数 默认值 含义  
disk_dev disk_devname 慢速块设备的名字  
cache_dev ssd_devname SSD设备的名字  
dm_vdevname flashcache的名字 flashcache起的名字  
cache_mode cache_mode 三种合法值:write_back,write_through和write_around  
persistence(非dmc的成员变量) 2 2 实际flashcache_ctr函数,即为flashcache_create服务,也为flashcache_load服务  
block_size block_size 8 8个扇区即4K  
size cache_size 设备扇区总数/block_size, 注意这个值的含义是block的个数,即总扇区除以block_size.  
assoc associativity 512 合法值为(256,8192)之间的2的整数幂,不包含256和8192  
write_only_cache write_cache_only 0 write_back模式有一个子模式,即write_only  
md_block_size   8    
num_sets   dmc->size » dmc->assoc_shift    


  • block_size: 默认情况下值为8,即8个扇区组成一个block,即block的大小为4KB
  • size : block的个数


      //后面调用dmc->size /= (dmc->block_size)执行之后,才变成block的个数。

        dmc->md_blocks = INDEX_TO_MD_BLOCK(dmc, dmc->size / dmc->block_size) + 1 + 1; 
        dmc->size -= dmc->md_blocks * MD_SECTORS_PER_BLOCK(dmc);  
        dmc->size /= dmc->block_size;
        dmc->size = (dmc->size / dmc->assoc) * dmc->assoc;           
        /*有了准确的block的个数,需要的meta data block重新计算*/
        dmc->md_blocks = INDEX_TO_MD_BLOCK(dmc, dmc->size) + 1 + 1;                                                                                    
        DMINFO("flashcache_writeback_create: md_blocks = %d, md_sectors = %d\n", 
               dmc->md_blocks, dmc->md_blocks * MD_SECTORS_PER_BLOCK(dmc));
        dev_size = to_sector(dmc->cache_dev->bdev->bd_inode->i_size);
        cache_size = dmc->md_blocks * MD_SECTORS_PER_BLOCK(dmc) + (dmc->size * dmc->block_size);
        if (cache_size > dev_size) {
                DMERR("Requested cache size exceeds the cache device's capacity" \
                      cache_size, dev_size);
                vfree((void *)header);
                return 1;


注意,这只是cache block的部分,对于flashcache来说,还有metadata block和superblock。和文件系统一样,flashcache也有superblock,介绍flashcache的组织形式:

        header = (struct flash_superblock *)vmalloc(MD_BLOCK_BYTES(dmc));
        if (!header) {
                DMERR("flashcache_writeback_create: Unable to allocate sector");
                return 1;                                                                                                                              
struct flash_superblock {
        sector_t size;          /* Cache size */
        u_int32_t block_size;   /* Cache block size */
        u_int32_t assoc;        /* Cache associativity */
        u_int32_t cache_sb_state;       /* Clean shutdown ? */
        char cache_devname[DEV_PATHLEN]; /* Contains dm_vdev name as of v2 modifications */
        sector_t cache_devsize;
        char disk_devname[DEV_PATHLEN]; /* underlying block device name (use UUID paths!) */
        sector_t disk_devsize;
        u_int32_t cache_version;
        u_int32_t md_block_size;                                                                                                                       
        u_int32_t disk_assoc;
        u_int32_t write_only_cache;

尽管flashcache的superblock需要的空间比较小,但是flashcache给superblock预留了一个meta data block的大小,即默认情况下4KB的大小,为将来可能的扩展预留的空间。


        ssd_devname = argv[optind++];
        cache_fd = open(ssd_devname, O_RDONLY);
        if (cache_fd < 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", ssd_devname);
        lseek(cache_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
        if (read(cache_fd, buf, 512) < 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read Flashcache superblock %s\n", ssd_devname);
        if (!(sb->cache_sb_state == CACHE_MD_STATE_DIRTY ||
              sb->cache_sb_state == CACHE_MD_STATE_CLEAN ||
              sb->cache_sb_state == CACHE_MD_STATE_FASTCLEAN ||
              sb->cache_sb_state == CACHE_MD_STATE_UNSTABLE)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid Flashcache superblock %s\n", pname, ssd_devname);


对于上面网格图中的任何一个cache block,都需要数据结构来描述其状态,比如值是否有效,是否DIRTY等,其数据结构如下:

struct flash_cacheblock {                                                                                                                              
        sector_t        dbn;    /* Sector number of the cached block */
        u_int64_t       checksum;
        u_int32_t       cache_state; /* INVALID | VALID | DIRTY */
} __attribute__ ((aligned(32)));
struct flash_cacheblock {
        sector_t        dbn;    /* Sector number of the cached block */
        u_int32_t       cache_state; /* INVALID | VALID | DIRTY */      
} __attribute__ ((aligned(16)));

对于我们而言,flash_cacheblock的大小为16字节,因此,每个cache block都会有16字节的元数据。这16字节描述了一个cache block。每个meta data block 默认有4KB,即每个meta data block可以存放256 个cache block的元数据信息。

综合上述讨论,一个完整的SSD layout如下所示:

上面的布局,主要是块设备上的布局,除此外,flashcache正常运行期间,需要消耗内存,内存中有数据结构管理这些cache block,如下所示:

 order = dmc->size * sizeof(struct cacheblock); 
 struct cacheblock {
        u_int16_t       cache_state;
        int16_t         nr_queued;      /* jobs in pending queue */                                                                                    
        u_int16_t       lru_prev, lru_next;
        u_int8_t        use_cnt;
        u_int8_t        lru_state;
        sector_t        dbn;    /* Sector number of the cached block */
        u_int16_t       hash_prev, hash_next;
        u_int64_t       checksum;
} __attribute__((packed));

目前来讲,不考虑checksum,内存中18 Byte 描述一个cache block(默认4KB)。

        order = dmc->size * sizeof(struct cacheblock);
        DMINFO("Allocate %luKB (%luB per) mem for %lu-entry cache" \
               "(capacity:%luMB, associativity:%u, block size:%u " \
               order >> 10, sizeof(struct cacheblock), dmc->size,
               cache_size >> (20-SECTOR_SHIFT), dmc->assoc, dmc->block_size,
               dmc->block_size >> (10-SECTOR_SHIFT));
        dmc->cache = (struct cacheblock *)vmalloc(order);
        if (!dmc->cache) {
                vfree((void *)header);
                DMERR("flashcache_writeback_create: Unable to allocate cache md");
                return 1;
        memset(dmc->cache, 0, order);
        /* Initialize the cache structs */
        for (i = 0; i < dmc->size ; i++) {
                dmc->cache[i].dbn = 0;
                dmc->cache[i].checksum = 0;
                dmc->cache[i].cache_state = INVALID;
                dmc->cache[i].lru_state = 0;
                dmc->cache[i].nr_queued = 0;

通过这个18 Byte的内存描述一个flashcache 的cache block,我们可以估算,一个400G 的SSD作为flashcache的SSD部分,消耗的内存约为:

400G/4KB*18 = 1.8GB


dmc的assoc 默认是512,表示512个block组成一个set,即512*4K= 2MB:

        /*计算整个flashcache set的个数*/
        dmc->num_sets = dmc->size >> dmc->assoc_shift;
        order = dmc->num_sets * sizeof(struct cache_set);
        dmc->cache_sets = (struct cache_set *)vmalloc(order);                                                                                          
        if (!dmc->cache_sets) {
                ti->error = "Unable to allocate memory";
                r = -ENOMEM;
                vfree((void *)dmc->cache);
                goto bad3;
        memset(dmc->cache_sets, 0, order);
        for (i = 0 ; i < dmc->num_sets ; i++) {
                dmc->cache_sets[i].set_fifo_next = i * dmc->assoc;
                dmc->cache_sets[i].set_clean_next = i * dmc->assoc;
                dmc->cache_sets[i].fallow_tstamp = jiffies;
                dmc->cache_sets[i].fallow_next_cleaning = jiffies;
                dmc->cache_sets[i].hotlist_lru_tail = FLASHCACHE_NULL;
                dmc->cache_sets[i].hotlist_lru_head = FLASHCACHE_NULL;
                dmc->cache_sets[i].warmlist_lru_tail = FLASHCACHE_NULL;
                dmc->cache_sets[i].warmlist_lru_head = FLASHCACHE_NULL;


struct cache_set {
        spinlock_t              set_spin_lock;
        u_int32_t               set_fifo_next;
        u_int32_t               set_clean_next;
        u_int16_t               clean_inprog;
        u_int16_t               nr_dirty;
        u_int16_t               dirty_fallow;
        unsigned long           fallow_tstamp;
        unsigned long           fallow_next_cleaning;
         * 2 LRU queues/cache set.
         * 1) A block is faulted into the MRU end of the warm list from disk.
         * 2) When the # of accesses hits a threshold, it is promoted to the
         * (MRU) end of the hot list. To keep the lists in equilibrium, the
         * LRU block from the host list moves to the MRU end of the warm list.
         * 3) Within each list, an access will move the block to the MRU end.
         * 4) Reclaims happen from the LRU end of the warm list. After reclaim
         * we move a block from the LRU end of the hot list to the MRU end of
         * the warm list.
        u_int16_t               hotlist_lru_head, hotlist_lru_tail;
        u_int16_t               warmlist_lru_head, warmlist_lru_tail;
        u_int16_t               lru_hot_blocks, lru_warm_blocks;
#define NUM_BLOCK_HASH_BUCKETS          512
        u_int16_t               hash_buckets[NUM_BLOCK_HASH_BUCKETS];
        u_int16_t               invalid_head;                                                                                                          

注意,对于同一个set的cache block而言,根据状态,位于三个不同的链表之中:

    • invalid_head为头部的invalid 链表
    • hot:
      • hotlist_lru_head为头部,hotlist_lru_tail为尾部的hot链表
    • warm
      • warmlist_lru_head为头部,warmlist_lru_tail为尾部的warm链表


在64位系统上,指针的长度是8Byte,如果用普通的链表,prev next就要消耗16B的空间,这样是比较浪费的,flashcache使用是的u_int16_t类型的,每一个cacheblock通过一个2字节的short值,记录前一个cacheblock的值和后一个cacheblock的值。注意该值是同一个set的index值,因为默认set只有512,所以,2Byte的short足够记录下。

注意,当cacheblock中没有任何数据的时候,它位于invalid链表中,即这个链表里面都没啥数据。毫无疑问,当新建的flashcache里面,其实并没有任何有用的数据,并不和SATA DISK的数据相关联,因此,都会位于invalid 链表。在flashcache_ctr之中有如下的语句:

        for (i = 0 ; i < dmc->size ; i++) {
                dmc->cache[i].hash_prev = FLASHCACHE_NULL;
                dmc->cache[i].hash_next = FLASHCACHE_NULL;
                if (dmc->cache[i].cache_state & VALID) {
                        flashcache_hash_insert(dmc, i);
                if (dmc->cache[i].cache_state & DIRTY) {
                        dmc->cache_sets[i / dmc->assoc].nr_dirty++;
                if (dmc->cache[i].cache_state & INVALID)
                        flashcache_invalid_insert(dmc, i);



除此以外,可能某个cacheblock中存在合法的数据(VALID),但是由于新的io进来,第一反应肯定是会不会我请求的IO对应的地址 dbn恰好在flashcahce的中并且状态为VALID,如果找到皆大欢喜;如果找不到,第二反应是寻找一个无人用的cacheblock,即位于INVALID链表的cacheblock。如果很不幸,没有INVALID的cache block,所有的block都已经用了(VALID),这时候,就必须要寻找牺牲品了,即reclaim策略。




        uncacheable = (unlikely(dmc->bypass_cache) ||
                       (to_sector(bio->bi_size) != dmc->block_size) ||
                        * If the op is a READ, we serve it out of cache whenever possible, 
                        * regardless of cacheablity 
                       (bio_data_dir(bio) == WRITE && 
                        ((dmc->cache_mode == FLASHCACHE_WRITE_AROUND) ||
                         flashcache_uncacheable(dmc, bio))));
        spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dmc->ioctl_lock, flags);
        if (uncacheable) {
                flashcache_setlocks_multiget(dmc, bio);
                queued = flashcache_inval_blocks(dmc, bio);
                flashcache_setlocks_multidrop(dmc, bio);
                if (queued) {
                        if (unlikely(queued < 0))                    
                                flashcache_bio_endio(bio, -EIO, dmc, NULL);
                } else {
                        /* Start uncached IO */
                        flashcache_start_uncached_io(dmc, bio);
        } else {
                if (bio_data_dir(bio) == READ)
                        flashcache_read(dmc, bio);
                        flashcache_write(dmc, bio);
        return DM_MAPIO_SUBMITTED;

剩下内容的重点是cacheblock的查找 置换的策略,什么io走flashcache,什么io直接访问慢速设备,并不是我们关心的内容。我们继续以flashcache_read为例,介绍寻找cacheblock的过程。


        flashcache_setlocks_multiget(dmc, bio);
        res = flashcache_lookup(dmc, bio, &index);
        /* Cache Read Hit case */
        if (res > 0) {
                cacheblk = &dmc->cache[index];
                if ((cacheblk->cache_state & VALID) && 
                    (cacheblk->dbn == bio->bi_sector)) {
                        flashcache_read_hit(dmc, bio, index);
         * In all cases except for a cache hit (and VALID), test for potential 
         * invalidations that we need to do.
        queued = flashcache_inval_blocks(dmc, bio);
        if (queued) {
                if (unlikely(queued < 0))
                        flashcache_bio_endio(bio, -EIO, dmc, NULL);
                if ((res > 0) && 
                    (dmc->cache[index].cache_state == INVALID))
                         * If happened to pick up an INVALID block, put it back on the 
                         * per cache-set invalid list
                        flashcache_invalid_insert(dmc, index);                                                                                         
                flashcache_setlocks_multidrop(dmc, bio);

因为数据是流动的,因此整个flashcache N个cacheset,每个cacheset M个cache block,其状态都是流动的,刚才我可能是invalid,可能很快我就位于warmlist了,再有数据访问,我可能就迁移到了hotlist了。因此理解flashcache_lookup,知道当用户某一个请求要访问sector_t dbn = bio->bi_sector 这个扇区的时候,如何查找cacheblock是理解状态流动的非常关键的一步。

static int
flashcache_lookup(struct cache_c *dmc, struct bio *bio, int *index)
        sector_t dbn = bio->bi_sector;
#if DMC_DEBUG                                                                                                                                          
        int io_size = to_sector(bio->bi_size);
        unsigned long set_number = hash_block(dmc, dbn);
        int invalid, oldest_clean = -1;
        int start_index;

        start_index = dmc->assoc * set_number;
        DPRINTK("Cache lookup : dbn %llu(%lu), set = %d",
                dbn, io_size, set_number);
        find_valid_dbn(dmc, dbn, start_index, index);
        if (*index >= 0) {
                DPRINTK("Cache lookup HIT: Block %llu(%lu): VALID index %d",
                             dbn, io_size, *index);
                /* We found the exact range of blocks we are looking for */
                return VALID;
        invalid = find_invalid_dbn(dmc, set_number);
        if (invalid == -1) {
                /* We didn't find an invalid entry, search for oldest valid entry */
                find_reclaim_dbn(dmc, start_index, &oldest_clean);
         * Cache miss :
         * We can't choose an entry marked INPROG, but choose the oldest                                                                               
         * INVALID or the oldest VALID entry.
        *index = start_index + dmc->assoc;
        if (invalid != -1) {
                DPRINTK("Cache lookup MISS (INVALID): dbn %llu(%lu), set = %d, index = %d, start_index = %d", dbn, io_size, set_number, invalid, start_index);
                *index = invalid;
        } else if (oldest_clean != -1) {
                DPRINTK("Cache lookup MISS (VALID): dbn %llu(%lu), set = %d, index = %d, start_index = %d",
                             dbn, io_size, set_number, oldest_clean, start_index);
                *index = oldest_clean;
        } else {
                DPRINTK_LITE("Cache read lookup MISS (NOROOM): dbn %llu(%lu), set = %d",
                        dbn, io_size, set_number);
        if (*index < (start_index + dmc->assoc))
                return INVALID;
        else {
                return -1;

注意,这就是寻找cacheblock的算法了。第一步是要寻找合适的set,因为flashcache默认情况下,每个set 512个cache block,首先要定位到那个cacheset,然后再cacheset中确定合适的cache block。通俗点说,就是分两步走:

  • 找到合适的cache set
  • 从该cache set中找到合适的cache block

第一步比较简单,根据bio的扇区号,计算hash,然后映射到对应的cache set:

unsigned long   
hash_block(struct cache_c *dmc, sector_t dbn)
        unsigned long set_number, value;
        int num_cache_sets = dmc->size >> dmc->assoc_shift;

         * Starting in Flashcache SSD Version 3 :
         * We map a sequential cluster of disk_assoc blocks onto a given set.
         * But each disk_assoc cluster can be randomly placed in any set.
         * But if we are running on an older on-ssd cache, we preserve old
         * behavior.
        if (dmc->on_ssd_version < 3 || dmc->disk_assoc == 0) {
                value = (unsigned long)
                        (dbn >> (dmc->block_shift + dmc->assoc_shift));
        } else {
                value = (unsigned long) (dbn >> dmc->disk_assoc_shift);
                /* Then place it in a random set */
                value = jhash_1word(value, 0xbeef);
        set_number = value % num_cache_sets;
        DPRINTK("Hash: %llu(%lu)->%lu", dbn, value, set_number);                                                                                       
        return set_number;

我们走else分支,这里面有一个参数,初看flashcache不容易理解,即disk_assoc_shift,这个参数在创建flashcache的时候可以指定disk_associativity :

root@XMT-S02:~# dmsetup table
osd4: 0 70316455903 flashcache conf:
	ssd dev (/dev/disk/by-partlabel/osd4-ssd), disk dev (/dev/disk/by-partlabel/osd4-data) cache mode(WRITE_BACK)
	capacity(446572M), associativity(512), data block size(4K) metadata block size(4096b)
	disk assoc(256K)
	skip sequential thresh(32K)
	total blocks(114322432), cached blocks(96119380), cache percent(84)
	dirty blocks(41155646), dirty percent(35)

我们看到,默认情况下,disk assoc的值是256K,事实上这个控制选项发挥作用也就是在寻找合适的cache set中发挥控制作用,如果没有这个选项,直接拿dbn进行hash,然后map到cacheset,相邻的两个dbn,可能压根就不会位于同一个cache set,那么将来对同一个cache set的io进行merge也就没啥必要了,因为相邻的dbn在同一个set的可能性并不大。

有了这个disk assoc参数就不同了,它hash之前,首先执行:

value = (unsigned long) (dbn >> dmc->disk_assoc_shift);

它确保的是,在同一个256KB块内的扇区,最终会得到同一个value,然后hash会map到同一个cache set,将来就有可能将相邻的请求merge,从而提高性能。

除了此处不太好理解意外,其他基本就是算出hash值,然后对cache set的个数求余,来决定落在那个cache set中。

第一步已经解决了,接下来是第二部,如何在cache set中找到


  • find_valid_dbn
  • find_invalid_dbn
  • find_reclaim_dbn


static void
find_valid_dbn(struct cache_c *dmc, sector_t dbn, 
               int start_index, int *index)
        *index = flashcache_hash_lookup(dmc, start_index / dmc->assoc, dbn);
        if (*index == -1)
        if (dmc->sysctl_reclaim_policy == FLASHCACHE_LRU &&
            ((dmc->cache[*index].cache_state & BLOCK_IO_INPROG) == 0))
                flashcache_lru_accessed(dmc, *index);
         * If the block was DIRTY and earmarked for cleaning because it was old, make 
         * the block young again.
        flashcache_clear_fallow(dmc, *index);

flashcache_hash_lookup(struct cache_c *dmc,
                       int set,
                       sector_t dbn)                                                  
        struct cache_set *cache_set = &dmc->cache_sets[set];
        int index;
        struct cacheblock *cacheblk;
        u_int16_t set_ix;
#if 0
        int start_index, end_index, i;
        set_ix = *flashcache_get_hash_bucket(dmc, cache_set, dbn);
        while (set_ix != FLASHCACHE_NULL) {
                index = set * dmc->assoc + set_ix;
                cacheblk = &dmc->cache[index];
                /* Only VALID blocks on the hash queue */
                VERIFY(cacheblk->cache_state & VALID);
                VERIFY((cacheblk->cache_state & INVALID) == 0);
                if (dbn == cacheblk->dbn)
                        return index;
                set_ix = cacheblk->hash_next;
        return -1;

static inline u_int16_t *
flashcache_get_hash_bucket(struct cache_c *dmc, struct cache_set *cache_set, sector_t dbn)  
        unsigned int hash = jhash_1word(dbn, 0xfeed);
        return &cache_set->hash_buckets[hash % NUM_BLOCK_HASH_BUCKETS];

我们已经找到了cache set,默认情况下cache set中有512个cache block,这些cache block中是否有我们需要的扇区呢?

最容易想到的是,逐个cache block比对,看下dbn号是否一致,状态是否是VALID。但是这种方法太蠢,效率太低。正确的方法是hash。

如果cache block中存在有效数据,他会根据对应的扇区号 dbn来计算hash,放入cache set中的合适bucket中。这种hash的做法,加速了cache set内部对某dbn是否存在在某个cacheblock的查找。

对于读来讲最完美的情况是,请求要求的数据块,恰巧位于flashcache的SSD 设备中,这种情况称为读命中。如果命中的话,因为该cacheblock的数据,相当于获得一次有效的访问,那么当空间吃紧的时候,应该降低该block被替换出去的概率,即提升其热度。

        if (dmc->sysctl_reclaim_policy == FLASHCACHE_LRU &&
            ((dmc->cache[*index].cache_state & BLOCK_IO_INPROG) == 0))
                flashcache_lru_accessed(dmc, *index);


 * Block is accessed.
 * Algorithm :
   if (block is in the warm list) {
       if (block_lru_refcnt >= THRESHOLD) {
          clear refcnt
          Swap this block for the block at LRU end of hot list
       } else     
          move it to MRU end of the warm list
   if (block is in the hot list)
       move it to MRU end of the hot list

  • 如果block目前在warm list
    • 引用计数++
      • 如果引用计数大于等于门限值(sysctl_lru_promote_thresh),一般是2,则从warm list 移入 hot list的LRU端(最左端)
      • 如果引用计数低于门限值,则从移入 warm list的MRU端,即最右端
  • 如果block 目前在hot list
    • 将该block移入hot list的MRU端,即最右端。

两个链表host list和warm list,其最左端都是LRU端(Least Recent Used), 其最右端是MRU端(Most Recent Used)。一旦需要置换,将某些cacheblock中的内容踢出出去,选择的顺序如下:

Worm List  LRU -------->Worm List MRU--------->Hot List LRU -------------> Hot List MRU


从cache set中寻找cache block的第一步就完成,这种情况是最幸运的一种,即要读取的内容所在的扇区,恰好在flashcache的 SSD部分中,数据有效VALID,可以拿到cache block的index,因为本次访问,将该cache block的热度提升到合适的位置。

但是也许并没有这么幸运,SSD中没有dbn对应扇区的内容,这种情况下,需要选择一个cache block来盛放即将从 慢速设备的扇区中读取上来的内容。这种情况下,第一选择是选择一个并且投入使用的cache block,即INVALID状态的cache block。


如果不这么做,选择一个VALID状态的cache block,该cache block的内容就会被新的dbn的内容替换,那么该cache block中老的内容,就被逐出SSD了,如果紧接着发来一个访问cache block 中老的dbn扇区的内容的请求,就会造成miss。更恶劣的情况是该cache block的内容是dirty,flashcache 可能不得不先等待dirty内容flush下去之后,方能使用该cache block。

所以当命中已成不可能的时候,选择INVALID状态的cache block是上策:


static int
find_invalid_dbn(struct cache_c *dmc, int set)                                                 
        int index = flashcache_invalid_get(dmc, set);

        if (index != -1) {
                if (dmc->sysctl_reclaim_policy == FLASHCACHE_LRU)
                        flashcache_lru_accessed(dmc, index);
                VERIFY((dmc->cache[index].cache_state & FALLOW_DOCLEAN) == 0);
        return index;

寻找INVALID状态的cache block比较简单,因为对于一个cache set而言,所有的invalid都位于invalid_head为头部的链表,只需要摘下头部的cache block就可以了

flashcache_invalid_get(struct cache_c *dmc, int set)
        struct cache_set *cache_set;
        int index;
        struct cacheblock *cacheblk;

        cache_set = &dmc->cache_sets[set];
        index = cache_set->invalid_head;
        if (index == FLASHCACHE_NULL)
                return -1;
        index += (set * dmc->assoc);
        cacheblk = &dmc->cache[index];
        VERIFY(cacheblk->cache_state == INVALID);
        flashcache_invalid_remove(dmc, index);                                                                                                      
        return index;

同样的道理,因为该cache block从INVALID迁移到了warm list的MRU端。

其实这种情况还不错,因为还能找到闲置的cache block。随着flashcahe的使用,很可能这种情况也不可得。很可能该cache set下的所有的cache block都投入了战局,在该cache set已经找不到一块闲置的cache block了。


这种情况下,就需要从投入使用的cacheblock中寻找一个牺牲品了,也就是cache block要回收了。优于SSD Dev和DIsk Dev大小的关系,不可能所有数据都存入SSD,所有的缓存算法都需要缓存替换算法,高效的缓存替换算法,能够获得更大的性能提升。

当选择牺牲品的时候,长期以来,我们维护hot list 和warm list的操作,就有了价值,这些信息给了我们选择牺牲品的依据。

static void 
find_reclaim_dbn(struct cache_c *dmc, int start_index, int *index)
        if (dmc->sysctl_reclaim_policy == FLASHCACHE_FIFO)
                flashcache_reclaim_fifo_get_old_block(dmc, start_index, index);
        else /* flashcache_reclaim_policy == FLASHCACHE_LRU */
                flashcache_reclaim_lru_get_old_block(dmc, start_index, index);                                                                      

Flashcache目前支持两种策略,FIFO和LRU。我们此处讨论LRU,这种算法就是将最近最不常使用的cache block替换出去。


 * Get least recently used LRU block
 * Algorithm :
 *      Always pick block from the LRU end of the warm list. 
 *      And move it to the MRU end of the warm list.
 *      If we don't find a suitable block in the "warm" list,
 *      pick the block from the hot list, demote it to the warm
 *      list and move a block from the warm list to the hot list.

总是从worm list的LRU端找,然后把它移到MRU端。如果在warm list找不到合适的,那么从hot list的LRU端找,如果找到,执行demote操作,即将hot list的LRU和worm list MRU互换位置。


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